November 2024
The election is over and now the dust is settling. Regardless of who you voted for or your reasons for voting, the fact remains that you still must get up every day and make your way. If there was no other time in history to be motivated, you have now met that time. The policies for the people should be felt by the people, and if those policies are not filled then the people have a right to use their voice. The 40 strong organization is based on using our voices to create change inside of our facilities and our communities. We must all be involved in the process of government as next year's 2025 governor's race comes up, and voices must speak! I would like to thank all of The Advocates and organizations who fight every day to better the lives of those who made a mistake and are seeking Redemption. I would also like to thank everyone who works with the 40 strong, who volunteers, suggest advice, and supports from the distance. We are so thankful for you, and we will continue to use our voices and our platform to bring light to injustices and to make an impact in society.